100 Level Classes - Beginner
Tango 101 - Beginner Level Tango
Part 1 - An Introduction to Argentine Tango
Part 2 - Musical Demonstration
Part 3 - Weight Changes and Starting to Walk
Part 4 - The Embrace
Part 5 - Walking to Argentine Tango Music
Part 6 - La Cruzada (The Cross)
Part 7 - Back Ochos (Ocho Atras)
Part 8 - Forward Ochos (Ocho Adelante)
Part 9 - A Basic Giro (Turn)
Beginner Series - Part 10 - Rebounds Repents Rebotes
Beginner Series - Part 11 - Basic Ocho Cortado
Tango 102 - Advanced Beginner Classes
Adv Beginner - Cross System Cruzada
Transitioning Between the 5 Basic Steps
Giro to the Close(d) Side / Clockwise Giro
Close Embrace Part 1: Intro to Close Embrace
Close Embrace Part 2: Walking Outside Partner and the Cruzada
Close Embrace Part 3 - Pivoting and non-Pivoting Ochos
Close Embrace Part 4 - Giros (Turns)
Close Embrace Part 5 - More Tips
Milonga 101
Part 1 - The Box Step and The Stair Step
Part 2 - Zig Zag Step and Pendulum Step
Part 3: Traspie
200 Level Classes - Adv Beginner - Foundational Techniques
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
300 Level Classes - Intermediate Tango
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
400 Level Classes - Advanced
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Steps for the Social Dance Floor
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Performances and Demonstrations
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
A Brief History of Argentine Tango
The Structure of Argentine Tango Music
The Structure of Argentine Tango
Part 1: The Basic Structure
The Structure of Argentine Tango
Part 2: Rhythm, Melody and Phrases
The Structure of Argentine Tango
Part 3: Variations
The Role of the Tango Orchestra Singer
Tango Orchestra Biographies
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Guardia Vieja I: 1895 to 1910
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Guardia Vieja II: 1910 to 1925
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Guardia Nueva: 1925 to 1935
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
The Golden Age of Argentine Tango: 1935 to 1955
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Early Tango Pictures & Illustrations
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Tango History Links
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
How to DJ a Milonga
Clint's Tanda Collections
Vals Tandas A - C
Vals Tandas D - K
Vals Tandas L - Z
Vals Tandas - Mixed
Milonga Tandas
Canaro Milongas
Canaro Milongas
Mixed Orchestra and Candombe Milonga Tandas
Alternative Milongas
Electronic Tango Tandas
Modern Orchestras
Rodolfo Biagi Tandas
Miguel Calo Tandas
Francisco Canaro Tandas
Juan d'Arienzo Instrumental Tandas
Juan d'Arienzo Tandas with Singers
Alfredo de Angelis Tandas
Lucio Demare Tandas
Carlos di Sarli Instrumental Tandas
Carlos di Sarli Tandas with Singers
Edgardo Donato Tandas
Roberto Firpo Tandas
Osvaldo Fresedo Tandas
Ricardo Tanturi
Alternative Vals (Waltz) Tandas
Alternative Tango Tandas
Alfredo Gobbi Tandas
Pedro Laurenz Tandas
Francisco Lomuto Tandas
Osvaldo Pugliese Tandas
Enrique Rodriguez Tandas
Anibal Troilo Tandas
Angel Vargas Tandas
Other Orchestras Tandas (OTV, Carabelli, Malerba, etc)
My Playlists
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
More Resources for DJs
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Cortina Collections
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
My Philosophy of Tango
Tango Curriculum
100 Level Classes
200 Level - Foundational Classes
300 Level - Intermediate Classes
400 Level - Advanced Classes
Atlanta: Tuesday Int-Adv Tango Class
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Private Lessons
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Practice Music
Dante Sanchez y Angelica Avalos
Orlando Paiva and Cristina Benavidez
Osvaldo y Coca Cartery 'El Adios' by Edgardo Donato
Canyengue Performance
"El Chacafaz" and Carmencita Calderon in the movie "Tango" from 1933
Interview with Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes
Poesía de gotán: The Poetry of the Tango
Class Notes for The Structure of Tango: Part I
Favorite Pugliese Tanda
Leading and Following
Malandraca by Beba Pugliese
Does humor belong in Tango?
Tanda of the Week 1 (Carlos di Sarli)
Alternative Tanda 1: Milonga
Tanda of the Week 2 (Alfredo de Angelis) 2012-03-19
Alternative Tanda 2: Blues, Hip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 3 (Juan d'Arienzo) 2012-03-26
Un Abrazo // The Embrace
Alternative Tanda 3: Electronic Tango (Electrocutango, Otros Aires)
Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02
Alternative Tanda 4: Nina Simone
Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58
Alternative Tanda 5: Pop Vals
Tanda of the Week 6 (Francisco Canaro) 2012-04-16
Alternative Tanda 6: Electronic (Bajofondo Tango Club)
Tanda of the Week 7 (Edgardo Donato Vals) 2012-04-23
Alternative Tanda 7: Astor Piazzolla
Tanda of the Week 8 (Ricardo Tanturi) 2012-04-30
Alternative Tanda 8: Modern Classical
Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07
Tanda of the Week 10 (Francisco Lomuto) 2012-05-14
Alternative Tanda 10: Trip-Hop
Tanda of the Week 11 (Lucio Demare) 2012-05-21
Alternative Tanda 11: Electronic Milonga
10º Campeonato de Tango de la Ciudad
Tanda of the Week 12 (Tanturi-Castillo Vals) 2012-05-28
Alternative Tanda 12: Blues-Jazz (Lhasa, Diana Krall, Michael Buble)
The Tango and Trapeze Acts by Cacho Dante
A Brief Definition of a Milonguero by Cacho Dante
Tanda of the Week 13 (d'Agostino y Vargas) 2012-06-04
Alternative Tanda 13: French Vals
Tanda of the Week 14 (Biagi Instrumental) 2012-06-11
Alternative Tanda 14: Electronic Tango (Tanghetto, Bajofondo)
Milonga Plaka Playlist
Traditional Tanda of the Week 15 (Laurenz Milongas) 2012-06-18
Alternative Tanda 15: Gotye
Traditional Tanda of the Week 16 (Caló - Berón) 2012-06-25
Alternative Tanda 16: Gardel Remixed
Tanda of the Week 17 (Rodriguez) 2012-07-02
Alternative Tanda 17: Hip-Hop Electronic
Tanda of the Week 18 (Di Sarli - Rufino) 2012-07-09
Alternative Tanda 18: Tango Jointz
Tanda of the Week 19 (D'Arienzo Instrumentals) 2012-07-16
Alternative Tanda 19: Downtempo Electronic
Tanda of the Week 20 (D'Arienzo Vals) 2012-07-23
Alternative Tanda 20: Electronic Tango
Fun Example of Dancing in a Small Space by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel
Traditional Tanda of the Week 21 (Canaro - Fama) 2012-07-30
Alternative Tanda 21: Nick Cave - Tom Waits
Tanda of the Week 22 (Fresedo - Ray) 2012-08-06
Tanda of the Week 23 (Donato) 2012-08-20
Alternative Tanda 22: Willis - Citizen Cope
Tanda of the Week 24 - Anibal Troilo Milongas
Alternative Tanda 23: Electronic Tangos (Alexkid, Alcran, Bond)
Tanda of the Week 25 - Osvaldo Pugliese y Roberto Chanel
Tanda of the Week 26 - Ricardo Tanturi con Enrique Campos
Tanda of the Week 27 - Francisco Canaro con Francisco Amor
Tanda of the Week 28 - Lucio Demare con Raul Beron
Tanda of the Week 29 - Pedro Laurenz con Alberto Podesta
Tanda of the Week 30 - Francisco Canaro con Roberto Maida Milongas
Tanda of the Week 31 - Juan D'Arienzo con Alberto Echague
Alternative Tanda 24 - Electronic Tango (Gotan Project, Tanghetto)
Tanda of the Week 32 - Miguel Calo con Raul Beron
Traditional Tanda of the Week 33 -Troilo Instrumentals
Traditional Tanda of the Week 34 - Enrique Rodriguez Vals
Alternative Tanda 25 - Fox Trots by Enrique Rodriguez
Traditional Tanda of the Week 35 - Enrique Rodriguez con Roberto Flores
Traditional Tanda of the Week 36 - Carlos di Sarli (Mixed Tanda)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 37 - Edgardo Donato con Horacio Lagos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 38 - Francisco Canaro (Poema)
Traditional Tanda of the Week 39 - Miguel Caló Milongas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 40 - Osvaldo Pugliese
Alternative Tanda 26 - Sexteto Milonguero
Traditional Tanda of the Week 41 - Rodolfo Biagi with Andres Falgas
Tanda of the Week 42 - Ricardo Malerba con Orlando Medina
Songs with Multiple Titles
Traditional Tanda of the Week 43 - Vals by Pedro Laurenz
Traditional Tanda of the Week 44: Tanturi-Campos
Traditional Tanda of the Week 45 - Juan D'Arienzo with Hector Maure
Traditional Tanda of the Week 46 - Miguel Calo con Raul Iriarte
Tanda of the Week 47: Milongas by Angel D'Agostino con Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 48 - Angel D'Agostino y Angel Vargas
Traditional Tanda of the Week 49: Osvaldo Fresedo con Roberto Ray
Traditional Tanda of the Week 50: Troilo with Fiorentino
Traditional Tanda of the Week 51 - Miguel Calo with Alberto Podesta
Alternative Tanda 27: Dubstep
Tanda of the Week 52 - Adolfo Carabelli
Tango y Jazz - Oscar Aleman
Tanda of the Week 54: Carlos di Sarli with Alberto Podesta
Orquesta Antonio Rodio - Donde Estas Corazon
Tanda of the Week 56: Lucio Demare with Juan Carlos Miranda
Tanda of the Week 57: Mixed Milonga Set (Lomuto, Sica, Canaro)
Tanda of the Week 58: Carlos di Sarli with Jorge Duran
Tanda of the Week 59 - Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino
Tanda of the Week 60: Juan d'Arienzo with Alberto Echague
Tanda of the Week 61: Rodolfo Biagi con Alberto Amor
Tanda 62: Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida
2018 Tango Cruise to the Bahamas
Tango Etiquette Part 1: General Milonga Etiquette
Tango Etiquette Part 2: Dance Floor Etiquette (Floorcraft)
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06/04/2012 at 12:57 AM